Health & Hormone Testing
Hormone, Food Intolerance, Digestive Health, Genetics & Thyroid
Testing helps identify the root cause of your symptoms so I can help you achieve your health goals. If you’re facing challenges like fatigue, weight gain, bloating, or hormonal shifts, testing can offer amazing insights into what’s really going on inside your body.
The balance of your hormones, health of your gut, and genetics all impact your well-being. Tests can show what’s out of balance so I can recommend targeted action to improve your health. ‘Functional’ tests offer a whole new deeper level of insights compared to what standard GP NHS tests can reveal. You can get quicker resolution of your symptoms since we know what needs the most attention.
Hormone Testing
This is the most popular test with ladies in my clinic. Hormones often cause issues since puberty and get worse during perimenopause. Hormones play a lifelong key role in mood, energy, metabolism, and reproductive health. NHS hormone tests only provide a single snapshot, often based on blood samples that don’t reflect the bigger picture. The DUTCH test has a range of options depending on what you need. It shows how your body is breaking down your hormones, and more importantly what specific changes to make to diet and lifestyle, or to include supplements.
The DUTCH Test: A few testing options
- 24-Hour Measurement: The DUTCH test tracks your hormones over 24 hours, revealing detailed patterns in oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and cortisol levels.
- Stress Response: This test highlights how your body responds to stress by analysing cortisol levels, helping address chronic fatigue or burnout.
- Hormone Metabolism: Understanding how your body breaks down and uses the three different types of oestrogens (yep, you have three not one!) shows where you need support.
Food Intolerance Testing: Find your hidden triggers
Unrecognised food intolerances can cause bloating, fatigue, skin rashes and many other symptoms. Frustratingly, symptoms can occur up to 72 hours after eating, so problem foods are notoriously hard to identify. Yes the gold standard is seen as removing all possible problem foods from your diet for a few weeks then systematically re-introducing them to see which one creates effects. I’ve been there, done that. It is incredibly incredibly hard to do when you have a life, let alone a busy fun-filled one.
The FIT 176 test analyses your body’s reaction to 176 foods, helping to identify chronic inflammation sources and refine your diet.
FIT 176: Pinpointing Inflammatory Foods
- Chronic Inflammation: By identifying food intolerances that cause inflammation (and therefore damage and dysfunction), the FIT 176 test allows you to eliminate triggers and alleviate symptoms.
- Personalised Nutrition: It’s crystal clear which foods you need to remove while you work on healing your gut.
- Fewer foods: There are options to test fewer foods if budget is an issue.
Digestive Health Testing: Heal your gut
A balanced gut microbiome is essential for digestion, immunity, and even mental health. The GI360 stool test goes beyond standard testing, offering a full digestive health overview.
GI360: Complete Gut Health Analysis
- Microbiome Balance: The GI360 identifies both beneficial and harmful bacteria,
- Parasite Detection: Hidden infections and parasites can disrupt digestion and affect mental health
- Inflammation Markers: Helps identify and then support IBS, Crohn’s, or other digestive conditions.
Genetic Testing: Personalise your life from the inside out
Nutrigenomic testing enables us to look in detail at our DNA, so we can understand our unique personal health ‘blueprint’.
Small but important differences in our genetic make-up (‘SNPs’) can have significant impacts on our life and health – from hormones to heart, metabolism to mental health, and much more. tells the body how to do everything, including how well you absorb and use specific nutrients like vitamins, affecting your nutrient needs.
DNA impacts production of sex hormones, reproduction and menopause, and neurotransmitters, influencing thinking and emotional wellbeing. It regulates how well your cells can grow and repair, even how efficiently they produce energy, or how readily you store excess energy as fat.
Genetic report presents personalised requirements for and responses to nutrients – vitamins, fats and sugars – and is relevant to everyone.
Benefits of Genetic Testing
- Personalised Nutrition: What is more personalised than your own DNA?! What are your nutrient requirements, how do you respond to vitamins, fats and sugars?
- Hormone Metabolism: Got steroid hormone (including progesterone, oestrogen, testosterone, DHEA, and cortisol) imbalance? Find out which nutrients and environmental factors can influence and improve their balance.
- Health Risk Awareness: Find out how to support your body’s systems through informed lifestyle choices to reduce health risks.
Thyroid Testing: Get your energy back
The thyroid regulates metabolism – how quickly you create energy. So, if you’re often cold, lacking in energy, have heavy periods and missing the outer third of your eyebrow, you possibly have low thyroid hormone levels. Women are particularly prone to thyroid issues, and autoimmune thyroid issues, when going through hormonal changes – think puberty, pregnancy and menopause. While NHS tests often only check TSH, functional thyroid testing examines free T3, T4, reverse T3, and thyroid antibodies, offering a more comprehensive assessment.
Functional Thyroid Testing
- Uncovering subclinical issues: Symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, or hair loss often go undiagnosed when relying only on TSH levels.
- Autoimmune indicators: Conditions like Hashimoto’s involve antibodies detectable through functional testing
Why choose functional testing over standard GP tests?
Firstly it’s so important to look at the whole person, not just a test result. Having said that, functional testing provides a wonderful holistic view that reveal imbalances before disease can set in. There are more markers to give insights into your body, which is empowering and offers clarity and personalised, targeted support. .
Ready to take a test?
Functional testing can help uncover what’s really going on in your body. You can’t pass or fail, only find out the best approaches to achieve your health goals. With the DUTCH test, FIT 176, GI360, thyroid assessments, and genetic testing, you can start addressing root causes and feel your best.
Contact us today to learn more about how functional testing can support your journey to wellness. Let’s get your spark back!