Get your spark back
lose weight

lose weight in perimenopause, meno belly

Help! My favourite jeans don’t fit

Feel amazing on the inside and look great on the outside, every day, by focusing on your health and wellness and letting excess weight fall away. Lose weight during perimenopause, shift that meno belly and feel your best self.

Maybe it’s the post-baby pounds, perimenopause, or just weight that you’ve always struggled to shift. Allow the pounds to fall away by concentrating on your well being and learning to love your life and your body. There’s no diet, calorie counting, specific foods added or taken away, no judgement and no self-criticism.

I know that the best way to get results is by working with clients over a longer period of time (often three months or more).

‘Meno belly’ in perimenopause

If you’ve been struggling with stubborn midsection weight gain during perimenopause, you’re not alone – The average woman will gain around 2 kilograms in midlife.

The surprising truth is: the key to losing “meno belly” is simpler than you think. Cutting calories or strenuous exercise often won’t help as it did in your 20s, so you need a new approach.

Addressing the underlying hormonal imbalance that’s driving this new kind of fat accumulation is where to start. Once you bring your hormones back into balance, your body will naturally let go of the weight, and you’ll start feeling like yourself again. Find out more on losing weight in midlife here.

If you’re looking to lose weight with…

  • Support to embed healthy habits that will last you a lifetime
  • Coaching to create a positive new mindset around food
  • A dedicated practitioner who’s in your corner whether you’ve had a great week or a tough one…

… I would love to work with you

Can you give yourself permission to put you and your body’s needs first?

It will thank you for it!

I can help give you the self-belief and the tools to create healthy habits that will last you a lifetime. My programmes are aimed at those looking to refine their body shape through positive nutritional changes.

Lose weight, especially the stubborn meno belly during perimenopause and feel amazing.

Book in for a health discovery call (i.e. a friendly chat) to see how we can work together to achieve your health goals.

lose weight; meno belly in perimenopause

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