Rediscover your health
hormone harnessing

hormone harnessing

Do any of these sound familiar?

  • 😫 My periods are irregular / painful & heavy
  • 😢 I’m teary, moody, spotty & have brain fog
  • 😖 I feel overwhelmed, stressed, anxious & burnt out
  • 😲 I’m struggling to sleep and I’m exhausted
  • 😣 I’m putting on weight / can’t shift my stubborn fat around my tummy
  • 🥵 I’m getting hot flushes and night sweats
  • 😔 I crave sugar and then have an energy slump
  • 😲 I get ratty with my kids when it’s not their fault

There are four major hormones (cortisol, insulin, thyroid and oestrogen) that dictate how you feel, look, think and behave, so if they’re out of balance you can feel tired, overweight and overwhelmed.

Hormonal health is an ongoing journey as women’s bodies undergo immense changes at each stage of life. But… you shouldn’t ever have to suffer from PMS or (peri)menopause if your hormones are in balance. Yes, really.

Unfortunately, when you hit your 40’s, your hormones can cause all kinds of symptoms if they aren’t in balance. Hormonal changes begin 10 years(!) before menopause, so you need to prepare for this change much earlier than you think.

I can identify which hormones may be imbalanced and create a personalised programme incorporating diet and lifestyle changes, plus targeted supplements if appropriate, to rebalance your hormones and help you feel amazing on the inside and looking great on the outside: an energised, slim, balanced and clear-thinking revitalised you.

I’d love to help you live your life better

Book in for a health discovery call (i.e. a friendly chat) to see how we can work together to achieve your health goals.

© 2025 Nina Weatherill Nutrition

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